Welcome to Linnette's special place of exploring new worlds through the realm of fiction...

Where Love and War Meet

I LOVE when stuff like this happens.

So, I'm cruising Facebook and see a post about the upcoming election. A friend is weary of the whole political scene. Who is not? However, in posting a comment to him, I began to think about the topic of war and how there's this huge rift in our country over killing our enemies into submission vs. loving them into being friends. As I formulated my comment, a story line emerged.

Is war evil? Should we fight? Maybe we can we love our enemies into submission. What is the right and Godly perspective on war? Bring it to your doorstep and see how you feel about it. That's what I plan to do. Explore these questions as I write this story.

When the Katrina Mackey's brother is ready to leave them on his first special ops mission, she is torn. Ravaged in her soul. Everything she believed about God is tested. When one of his buddies comes home for his sending off party, the guy who left town after graduation and took her heart with him never to return, her world is not only turned upside down, but inside out.

Thanks to the photographer and
a friend's Pinterest board!
When Joshua Savoca comes home, he doesn't expect his buddy's sister to still live in town. The fact that she makes her home in a cottage in the valley he'd grown up in... the fact that she'd never married and is no longer the girl of faith he remembered... the fact that past memories follow him and haunt him at every corner since arriving in his home town.. its enough to drive a man to leave and never look back. But can he? Maybe he should take Katrina away with him. Yet, with her shaken faith he's not so sure that's a good idea, either.

Will Katrina learn to trust God for her brother or her own future? What if trusting God means leaving behind everything familiar and comfortable? And can Joshua come to terms with his past or his buddy's future? What about Katrina? Can he trust her with his secrets? Enough to seek a future with her? Can they trust God with it all?

That's book one. Now, back up a several days...

Thanks to the photographer
and Pinterest!
I've had a story percolating in my head. What can I say? Sometimes I daydream just for fun.

Or do I?

As I explored the above story line, I realized that Jason Mackey (the man whose duty to country acts as an antagonist to Joshua and Katrina) is, in fact, the hero of the story I've been daydreaming about.


How does God do that?

Why does God do that?

Perhaps in order to put us in awe of his handiwork?

I so appreciate the photographer who
snapped this pic. Whoever you are,
thank you!
So, in this story, from the moment Jason Mackey watched the twin towers go down, he determined to enter the military in hopes of getting into special forces. He never meant to fall in love. He'd kept his distance from girls all through high school in order to avoid emotional entanglements. Somehow, he fell for Sasha McCormick anyway. And then he left her for the military. Years later, when a permanent injury grounds him, he returns home for a wedding and learns that Sasha had never married.

For Sasha, it was her sixth wedding. As a bride's maid. She hadn't intended to never marry. She just never found anyone who could take Jason Mackey's place in her heart. Jason, who is a hero in every sense, is suddenly dumped into her present.

Years of protecting her heart leaves her wary of him. And between his injury, nightmares, and the fact that even his new job required him to live far from their home town, he remains discouraged about pursuing her.

Can anything come of their tattered relationship? Will they be able to overcome years of obstacles and the debris cluttering their lives? Will they ever find a way to a happy future together?

Once again, thanks to an
unknown photographer!
I don't really know what will come of these amazing story ideas. I hope something intense and spectacular. I already have ideas for the series titles at work: LAW, Love and War, or Where Love and War Meet...

For the record, I'm neither opposed to war, nor do I like it. What do you think?


Sally Bradley said...

Your stories sound fun, Linnette! I love it when what seemed like a random story thread suddenly connects with all these other ideas and shocks us with its complexity. Definitely God!

Linnette Rochelle said...

Oh, Sally! I do, too!!! And it's so much fun! Whoever said God is stodgy and no fun doesn't have a clue. :D

"To You, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if You be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." Psalm 28:1-2, ESV

"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19, ESV) "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her..." (Ephesians 5:25, ESV)

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