Welcome to Linnette's special place of exploring new worlds through the realm of fiction...

"Finding Beth" ~ Manuscript Sent

No official cover art
has been chosen yet.
I can't begin to express the many highs and lows of writing Beth's story. It has definitely been a grand adventure. Not that it's over. Hardly! No, I'm right in the thick of things. From this point on, there will be more editing, cover art decisions, and so many little things that go into getting a book in print.

Like having a publisher. Right now it's down to two. I just sent my manuscript off to one today. Of course, I'm hoping they offer me a contract! I have talked with Tamara about the book series and clicked with her so well! I have a feeling she and her cohorts would be an awesome team to work with!

If that doesn't work out, it will be left up to Rose Publications which means team me. Not how I really want to do things with my first book, but I'm trusting God to help work out all the details whichever way Beth gets published.

Thanks to all my faithful followers who have encouraged me every step of the way. You're friendship, support, prayers, and kicks in the seat have been invaluable. Stay tuned to see what happens! :D


Gail @ http://biblelovenotes.com said...

Hope it goes well for you, Linnette. Gail

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thank you, Gail! :D

Unknown said...

Praying it works out soon!

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thanks, nurse Marcie! ;-)

S.R. Karfelt said...

This is wonderful, Linnette! Keep right on chugging along. I know you can. I know you can.

Kimberly and Abby said...

This is great news, Linnette. Keep on going, girlfriend!

Missy Tippens said...

I hope all goes well, Linnette!

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thanks, Stephanie! I'm trying to. I'm trying to. :D

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thanks, Dr. Kimberly! ;-)

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thank you, Missy! You're so sweet! :D

Buffy Crabtree said...

One big hurdle conquered. Praying for success, fulfillment, and endurance during your journey forward.

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thank you for all your loving support, Buffy! :D

Mary Shipman said...

Prayers have followed this endeavor and continue to go with it!

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thank you, Mary!!! :D

"To You, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if You be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." Psalm 28:1-2, ESV

"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19, ESV) "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her..." (Ephesians 5:25, ESV)

The Ragged Edge - A Life Changing Experience!