Welcome to Linnette's special place of exploring new worlds through the realm of fiction...

Writing = Exciting!

There are many ups and downs writers face. Maybe this is one reason we tend to be a bit squirrely - though I prefer to think of us as color in a dull world. But to get back on topic... we all know there are days of staring at the blank page. Most everyone calls this writer's block. It happens. It's not fun!

Then there are moments when a gazillion ideas zip through your head at the speed of light and you fight to snatch one, hoping you don't have to flush it down the toilet.

A brilliant idea will grab you. You go to write it down and poof! It vanishes. Other times you just want to eat your manuscript, shred it, light a match to it - frustrated that its just not up to par and you don't know what else to do.

Epiphanies are nice as long as you're able to put it on the page fast enough. Even then, they don't always show in ink what you envisioned. It's enough to make you want to crawl in bed and cover your head.

There's also dreamland. I love dreamland! Day dreams, night dreams... it makes no difference. The trick is translating the scenes from your head to the page so the reader can see what you see, feel what you feel, experience what the character experiences. When that happens? Amazing! Awesome! Fantabulous!

Whether its a pull-your-hair-out-day or a Snoopy-dancing-day... whether your fingers are flying across the keyboard or you're banging your head on it, there's never dull moment!

Two nights ago, I had one of those night-dreams about Tiffany. It wasn't a dream dream. It was an idea that sparked a scene as I was falling asleep. I've learned when in this state to relax and let it flow... let it play out in my head. Then, I hit rewind as many times as I can to perfect it, memorize it, pull out the nuances, feel the emotions. If it's something vital, but seems somewhat illusive, I'll get up and jot it down or type it out. This time, I let it play and replay. It felt solid!

The hard part is getting it on the page, but I've learned to start at the beginning and let my fingers fly without jumping ahead. If it's in there, it'll come out. I just have to be patient and let it flow. And, boy, it did! A 3,367 word success! Now that's exciting! A Snoopy-dancing-day!

For my reader friends, won't you share a moment when you were reading a book or watching a movie? What made you stop and say, "Now that was awesome!" Or even, "That was dumb! Why'd they do that?" Anything that stood out and made a memory for you.

Fellow writer, care to share and moment of your writing life? What goes on inside your writer's "Bat Cave"? I'd love to hear about it!


S.R. Karfelt said...

Hmmm, what happens in the bat cave best stay in the bat cave...but as a fellow writer, I relate to the way your scenes simply spark. The work comes in translating that magic to the page to share with your reader!

Linnette Rochelle said...

LOL, Stephanie! I think I have an idea of what goes on in your bat cave. Though I'd love to be a tiny fly on the wall. :D

"To You, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if You be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." Psalm 28:1-2, ESV

"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19, ESV) "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her..." (Ephesians 5:25, ESV)

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