Welcome to Linnette's special place of exploring new worlds through the realm of fiction...

Release Date?

I've been writing Beth's story since January of 2008. Four and a half years. Am I ever going to be done? Will "Finding Beth" ever get published?

Funny story. It's taken me close to two years to decide that I should probably go ahead with Indie publishing. Be my own publisher. Then, wham! A small publishing house expressed interest. Don't get too excited, yet. No contract has been signed. I'm still editing. (I know! Finish with the editing, already!) But. They want to see it as soon as I'm satisfied enough to send it to them.

Regardless and Lord willing, "Finding Beth" will come out in Spring or Summer of 2013! Yes! She will finding have her debut! The year my first born graduates high school, no less. Now you can get excited!

Thanks to all my wonderful supporters/encouragers and prayer partners! There are a handful of people who have been huge in keeping me going when I would have otherwise quit. Seriously!

So, special thanks to my mom and number one fan, Joyce Scaggs; to Jessica Bergschneider for insisting again and again that I finish so she can read the book; to Kimberly Taylor and Marcie Reynolds for believing in me and my story since day one; to my proofreader, Patricia Maxwell and my editor, Patricia Riddle-Gaddis  - your support, guidance, and encouragement have been invaluable; to Bobbie Lackey for assuring me I can do it and supporting me through the tough days; to my beautiful "Blue" family - you know who you are; and to my family for loving me, for putting up with my weird schedule and not always cooking supper "on time".

Release date to be announced. (I've waited so long to say that! :-) So, stay tuned!

*This is not the official cover for "Finding Beth". No. It will be much more awesome than this! :D


Jessica Bergschneider said...

Yay! Now hurry up! Haha Love you!!!

Sharon Leaf said...

Oh, Linnette, I have experienced all of your emotions. You see, my debut novel, Lady and the Sea, took almost seven years to publish. I would pick it up, then lay it down; pick up, put down. I love writing, but I also love many other things. Having said that, I thoroughly believe that this was God's perfect timing for Lady and the Sea to be released. Your book will be published right on time, with the right publisher. Oceans of blessings!

Sharon Leaf said...

Oh, Linnette, I have experienced all of your emotions. You see, my debut novel, Lady and the Sea, took almost seven years to publish. I would pick it up, then lay it down; pick up, put down. I love writing, but I also love many other things. Having said that, I thoroughly believe that this was God's perfect timing for Lady and the Sea to be released. Your book will be published right on time, with the right publisher. Oceans of blessings!

Linnette Rochelle said...


LOL Love you, too, Jessica! :D

Thanks, Sharon! I know you understand. Thanks for your encouraging words! :D

Anonymous said...

Go Linnette, go!

from Jay Fancher

Lori Hatcher said...

Remember the Little Engine that Could? "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." If he'd been the Christian Little Engine that Could, he'd be saying along with you, "I know I can. I know I can. I know I can." (Phil. 4:19, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!" Press on! I'm thrilled for you!

larry said...

Let's hope some of Beth's exes that abused her end up six feet under, we need more body count. - Larry

Buffy said...

So excited for you, Linnette! Can't wait until "your baby" has an official birthday! Hopefully, mine will give birth around the same time. I'm rejoicing with you!

Unknown said...

What an exciting announcement to be able to make! So happy for you! Congratulations!

Deborah H. Bateman said...

I know you are excited. It is like waiting for a child to be born. It will be so wonderful to finally see all the hours of work come to life and be published. Blessings, Deborah H. Bateman-Author

Melanie said...

Stay the course. The finish line is just up ahead a little further. Press on! Congratulations!!

Kimberly and Abby said...

Yaaayyyy!!! Keep going Linnette! You are almost done now. I can't wait to hold a copy of Finding Beth in my hands.

Linnette Rochelle said...

Thank you all for such encouraging words!!!

Larry, you'll just have to wait and see about the body count. I hope you won't be disappointed. :)

S.R. Karfelt said...

Yay, yay, yay, yay! Congratulations, Linnette - either way you go, they both lead to forward and onward! Hey, I really like that cover!


Anonymous said...

Hi Linnette

Good news! I'm looking forward to reading the whole book.

Hope the publisher helps birth your "baby" as painlessly as possible.

Blessings from Paris,


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Linnette!!! I am so anxious to read ALL of Finding Beth! I'm so proud of you, girl. I love you. Frieda

"To You, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if You be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to You for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." Psalm 28:1-2, ESV

"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19, ESV) "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her..." (Ephesians 5:25, ESV)

The Ragged Edge - A Life Changing Experience!